Support us
The yellow box theatre is a not-for-profit theatre company. We are committed to ethical practice despite the financial challenges in the arts for small independent organisations. Find out how you can help…
Ways to support
Make a donation
Please help us by making a donation to support our productions and activities.
Your contributions, no matter how small, are significant and we appreciate the value you see in our work.
Cross the channel swimming in a dinosaur wetsuit, organise a vintage dance on a boat or run in your favourite 80s shorts!
Whatever imaginative way you find to raise money for us, we’d love to hear your idea!
Email us and we’ll send you our fundraising pack to help you get started.
We’re a start-up theatre company and every week things are progressing.
Be part of the journey… follow us on facebook and instagram to get involved in our campaigns and keep up to date with our latest news.
For more information email us at office@theyellowboxtheatre.co.uk
We’d love to hear from you.